Developer Installation

Getting a development environment for SeAT 3 up and running is now even easier than before using either Docker or Vagrant if you use Windows with VM and Virtualbox.


Simply download the latest files from github, run bash and finally docker-compose up -d. If you already have a repository where the SeAT sources live, update the .env file and specify the full path to your SeAT codebase.

Docker Installation

  1. git clone /var/seat
  2. cd /var/seat/docker-compose-dev
  3. bash (Or, if you have an existing repository update the .env file)
  4. docker-compose --project-name seat-dev up -d

In order to login using SSO you must create an Application on the CCP Developers Portal. Select all esi-scopes and save the EVE_CLIENT_ID and EVE_CLIENT_SECRET in .env.

Docker Usage

Once the containers have finished building, you can now access your development environment via port 8080: http://localhost:8080.

Docker Tips

  1. If you need access the console of any container, access it via docker exec seat-app sh where seat-app is the name of the target container.
  2. You can execute artisan commands from outside of docker with docker exec seat-app php artisan <command>


Vagrant will create a virtual machine with Ubuntu 16.04 LTS, install docker and docker-compose to the virtual machine and then pretty much does the same as the docker section of this page.


Vagrant Installation

  • Download eveseat/scripts git clone
  • cd scripts/vagrant
  • vagrant up. This will take some time since it's deploying a whole dev environment with docker-compose.
  • vagrant ssh to open an SSH connection to the machine. Working directory is: /vagrant/vm-files/docker-compose-dev/ to execute all docker-commands.

Vagrant Usage

Connect to your SeAT instance by browsing to (You can change the set ip in the vagrant file.)

By default, you will receive a synced folder inside your vagrant-folder called vm-files. You are able to route your IDE to this folder and work from there.

Vagrant Tips

  • Using vagrant up vagrant will run docker-compose up -d


  • If the installation fails, execute vagrant destroy to rollback to a clean state then try again with vagrant up.
  • If you alter the .env of your docker-compose.yml do run vagrant provision, else it won't take effect.