
Hardware Requirements

As far as hardware goes, there isn't really a hard and fast rule on what is needed. The more resources you make available, the faster API updates will occur. However, there are some minimum recommended specifications.

Type Requirement
Memory 1GB of RAM with a 1GB+ swap file. Ideally 2GB+ RAM with a swap file.
Hard Drive Space 10GB (used mostly by the database and the EVE API caching). Again, more is better. Monitor this closely as your installation grows!


If you intend to process a large amount of data, plan your storage accordingly. The SeAT database can grow incredibly quickly depending on the amount of tokens you process.

Software Requirements

Software version requirements are based on a minimum requirement.

Type Requirement Version Check
Operating System Linux, preferably Ubuntu, Debian or CentOS. For Windows, you will need Docker for Windows. Usually, running cat /etc/issue should give you a good idea.
Architecture 64-bit only uname -p
PHP PHP: ^7.1 php -v
Database MariaDB: ^10.2.7 or MySQL: ^5.7 mysql -V
Caching Service Redis redis-server -v
Service Supervisor Supervisor : 3 supervisord -v
Web Server nginx, Apache nginx -v

For docker based installations, all you need is docker and docker-compose. If you already have it installed, check your current version with docker version and docker-compose version respectively:

Type Requirement Version Check
Docker Docker: ^18.0 docker -v
Docker Compose Docker compose: ^1.20 docker-compose version


Do not install Docker directly from your distributions repositories. These are usually out of date. Instead, rather follow the steps provided on dockers official documentation