understanding the core SeAT packages

  • eveseat/api link
    Namespace: Seat\Api
    This repository contains all of the SeAT Api Endpoints. A full description of available methods can be found here: [[SeAT API Reference|SeAT-API-Reference]]

  • eveseat/console link
    Namespace: Seat\Console
    This repository contains all of the SeAT console applications. Console apps are accessed via the artisan command line eg: php artisan seat:version. The console applications typically make use of repository classes (more on these later) in the eveseat/services repo to retrieve and set information from the database. For more information on how to write a Laravel Console Command, see the documentation here

  • eveseat/eveapi link
    Namespace: Seat\Eveapi
    This repository is the heart of the EVE API update logic. It is responsible for doing the actual update work, pulling the EVE API XML documents, parsing them and storing the resultant data in the database. Most of the date models live in this repository

  • eveseat/notifications link
    Namespace: Seat\Notifications
    This repository contains a set of scheduled jobs that perform notifications type tasks. A notification can be something as simple as an alert about a corporation member that has been inactive for a period of time.

  • eveseat/web link
    Namespace: Seat\Eveapi
    This repository contains the web interface for SeAT. It contains by far the most complex service provider and will undoubtedly become the prime example/reference when developing packages for SeAT. This package is also the only one that has a permissions / ACL concept. Refer the to the permissions wiki document for more information.

  • eveseat/seat link
    Namespace: App
    This is the main SeAT repository. It does not really contain much logic. It should actually be seen as the glue between all of the packages. This is the repository that is cloned when a new installation is done.
    The most important part of this repository is the service providers that are bootstrapped with the application. The providers array has the default Laravel providers as well as the SeAT providers at the end. These providers tell the application where to find routes, views, configs etc. For more detailed information, refer to the Laravel 5.1 documentation. When you write your package, the user will have to add your provider to this very providers array for the package to become available, just like the SeAT core packages.

  • eveseat/services link
    Namespace: Seat\Services
    This repository contains 'services'. A service is defined as any form of helper and or repository that other packages can depend on. The eveseat/web package (amongst others) make heavy use of the repository classes in this package.