
All endpoints in this document are for version1 (/api/v1) of the SeAT API.
All methods below have the requests and responses sampled using httpie.

Available Methods

All Corporations

Type Detail
Endpoint /api/v1/corporation/all
Description Get corporations known to SeAT.

Sample Request:

http get http://localhost:8000/api/v1/corporation/all Accept:application/json X-Token:123456

Sample Response:

        "allianceID": 0,
        "allianceName": null,
        "ceoID": 123456,
        "ceoName": "ABC",
        "color1": 683,
        "color2": 674,
        "color3": 673,
        "corporationID": 123456,
        "corporationName": "ABC Inc.",
        "created_at": "2015-11-22 11:20:24",
        "description": "Wut.",
        "factionID": 0,
        "graphicID": 0,
        "memberCount": 9,
        "memberLimit": 40,
        "shape1": 415,
        "shape2": 550,
        "shape3": 513,
        "shares": 1000,
        "stationID": 60014761,
        "stationName": "Aedald VIII - Moon 5 - Republic Military School",
        "taxRate": "0.00",
        "ticker": "ABC.",
        "updated_at": "2015-11-22 11:20:24",
        "url": ""

Corporation Assets

Type Detail
Endpoint /api/v1/corporation/assets/{corporation_id}
Description Get a corporations assets list.
Parameters corporation_id - The corporationID for the query

Sample Request:

http get http://localhost:8000/api/v1/corporation/assets/123456 Accept:application/json X-Token:123456

Sample Response:

        "anchorable": 0,
        "anchored": 0,
        "basePrice": null,
        "capacity": 0,
        "categoryID": 3,
        "corporationID": 123456,
        "created_at": "2015-11-24 16:31:54",
        "description": "",
        "fittableNonSingleton": 0,
        "flag": 83,
        "groupID": 16,
        "groupName": "Station Services",
        "iconID": null,
        "itemID": 228127261,
        "location": "Half VII - Moon 1 - CONCORD Bureau",
        "locationID": 66012455,
        "marketGroupID": null,
        "mass": 0,
        "portionSize": 1,
        "published": 0,
        "quantity": 1,
        "raceID": null,
        "rawQuantity": -1,
        "singleton": 1,
        "soundID": null,
        "typeID": 27,
        "typeName": "Office",
        "updated_at": "2015-11-24 16:31:54",
        "useBasePrice": 0,
        "volume": 1

Corporation Assets by Location

Type Detail
Endpoint /api/v1/corporation/assets-by-location/{corporation_id}
Description Get a corporations assets list grouped by locationID. This endpoint only returns assets that are in space.
Parameters corporation_id - The corporationID for the query

Sample Request:

http get http://localhost:8000/api/v1/corporation/assets-by-location/123456 Accept:application/json X-Token:123456

Sample Response:

    "123456": [
            "basePrice": "200000000.0000",
            "capacity": 70000,
            "corporationID": 123456,
            "created_at": "2015-12-24 10:51:58",
            "description": "The Dread Guristas Control Tower is a special enhanced version of the Caldari control tower utilizing the latest in cutting edge design techniques.\r\n\r\nRacial Bonuses:\r\n25% bonus to Missile Battery Rate of Fire\r\n50% bonus to Missile Velocity\r\n-75% bonus to Electronic Warfare Battery Target Cycling Speed",
            "flag": 0,
            "groupID": 365,
            "iconID": null,
            "itemID": 123456,
            "itemName": "Dread Guristas Control Tower Medium",
            "locationID": 123456,
            "mapID": 123456,
            "mapName": "ABC",
            "marketGroupID": 478,
            "mass": 200000000,
            "portionSize": 1,
            "published": 1,
            "quantity": 1,
            "raceID": 1,
            "rawQuantity": -1,
            "singleton": 1,
            "soundID": null,
            "typeID": 27597,
            "typeName": "Dread Guristas Control Tower Medium",
            "updated_at": "2015-12-24 10:51:58",
            "volume": 4000,
            "x": -123456,
            "y": 123456,
            "z": -123456
            "basePrice": "50000000.0000",
            "capacity": 20000000,
            "corporationID": 123456,
            "created_at": "2015-12-24 10:51:58",
            "description": "This structure contains equipment needed to compress various ore and ice materials for easy transportation across the universe.\r\n\r\nThis array does not have a particular restriction on security level and may be anchored in Empire sovereign space.",
            "flag": 0,
            "groupID": 1282,
            "iconID": null,
            "itemID": 123456,
            "itemName": "Compression Array",
            "locationID": 123456,
            "mapID": 123456,
            "mapName": "ABC",
            "marketGroupID": 1921,
            "mass": 50000000,
            "portionSize": 1,
            "published": 1,
            "quantity": 1,
            "raceID": null,
            "rawQuantity": -1,
            "singleton": 1,
            "soundID": null,
            "typeID": 12239,
            "typeName": "Compression Array",
            "updated_at": "2015-12-24 10:51:58",
            "volume": 6000,
            "x": -123456,
            "y": 123456,
            "z": -123456

Corporation Assets Contents

Type Detail
Endpoint /api/v1/corporation/assets-contents/{corporation_id}/{parent_asset_id?}/{$parent_item_id?}
Description Get a corporations assets contents. Supplying the parent_asset_id and or parent_item_id will filter the response down to only those assets.
Parameters corporation_id - The corporationID for the query
parent_asset_id - (optional, required if used with parent_item_id) The parent asset ID for the query
parent_item_id - (optional) The parent item ID in the asset id for the query

Sample Request:

http get http://localhost:8000/api/v1/corporation/assets-contents/123456 Accept:application/json X-Token:123456

Sample Response:

        "basePrice": "1000.0000",
        "capacity": 0,
        "corporationID": 123456,
        "created_at": "2015-12-28 10:06:21",
        "description": "An unstable compound of strontium molecules encased in the crystal structure of water. When fed to a Control Tower's force field generator, these clathrates bond with the molecules already in place in the field to create a nigh-invulnerable barrier of energy. A necessary ingredient for Control Towers to go into reinforced mode.\r\n\r\nMay be obtained by reprocessing the following ice ores:\r\n\r\n<color='0xFF33FFFF'>1.0</color> security status solar system or lower:\r\n<a href=showinfo:16264>Blue Ice</a>\r\n<a href=showinfo:16262>Clear Icicle</a>\r\n<a href=showinfo:16263>Glacial Mass</a>\r\n<a href=showinfo:16265>White Glaze</a>\r\n\r\n<color='0xFFFF6600'>0.3</color> security status solar system or lower:\r\n<a href=showinfo:16266>Glare Crust</a>\r\n\r\n<color='0xFFE53300'>0.1</color> security status solar system or lower:\r\n<a href=showinfo:16267>Dark Glitter</a>\r\n\r\n<color='0xFFFF0000'>0.0</color> security status solar system or lower:\r\n<a href=showinfo:17978>Enriched Clear Icicle</a>\r\n<a href=showinfo:16268>Gelidus</a>\r\n<a href=showinfo:16269>Krystallos</a>\r\n<a href=showinfo:17976>Pristine White Glaze</a>\r\n<a href=showinfo:17977>Smooth Glacial Mass</a>\r\n<a href=showinfo:17975>Thick Blue Ice</a>",
        "flag": 122,
        "graphicID": 0,
        "groupID": 423,
        "iconID": 2696,
        "itemID": 123456,
        "marketGroupID": 1033,
        "mass": 0,
        "parentAssetItemID": 123456,
        "parentItemID": null,
        "portionSize": 1,
        "published": 1,
        "quantity": 4166,
        "raceID": null,
        "rawQuantity": 0,
        "singleton": 0,
        "soundID": null,
        "typeID": 16275,
        "typeName": "Strontium Clathrates",
        "updated_at": "2015-12-28 10:06:21",
        "volume": 3
        "basePrice": "95.0000",
        "capacity": 0,
        "corporationID": 123456,
        "created_at": "2015-12-28 10:06:21",
        "description": "Frustrated with the inefficiencies involved in tracking multiple fuel types, Thukker logisticians pioneered the development of prepackaged fuel. In YC 111, after a successful trial period, they converted the Tribe's entire starbase network to use fuel blocks. Capsuleers were forced to wait for this innovation while CONCORD dithered over how to handle the transition period, but were finally granted clearance in YC113.\r\n\r\nThis is a block of fuel designed for Minmatar control towers. Forty blocks are sufficient to run a standard large tower for one hour, while medium and small towers require twenty and ten blocks respectively over the same period.",
        "flag": 0,
        "graphicID": 0,
        "groupID": 1136,
        "iconID": 10836,
        "itemID": 123456,
        "marketGroupID": 1870,
        "mass": 0,
        "parentAssetItemID": 123456,
        "parentItemID": null,
        "portionSize": 40,
        "published": 1,
        "quantity": 2857,
        "raceID": null,
        "rawQuantity": 0,
        "singleton": 0,
        "soundID": null,
        "typeID": 4246,
        "typeName": "Hydrogen Fuel Block",
        "updated_at": "2015-12-28 10:06:21",
        "volume": 5

Corporation Bookmarks

Type Detail
Endpoint /api/v1/corporation/bookmarks/{corporation_id}
Description Get a corporations bookmarks.
Parameters corporation_id - The corporationID for the query

Sample Request:

http get http://localhost:8000/api/v1/corporation/bookmarks/123456 Accept:application/json X-Token:123456

Sample Response:

        "bookmarkID": 123456,
        "corporationID": 123456,
        "created": "2014-10-10 21:23:16",
        "created_at": "2015-12-20 14:25:03",
        "creatorID": 123456,
        "folderID": 123456,
        "folderName": "123",
        "id": 330,
        "itemID": 0,
        "locationID": 30002923,
        "mapID": 40185483,
        "mapName": "Thing",
        "memo": "A Memo",
        "note": "",
        "typeID": 5,
        "updated_at": "2015-12-20 14:25:03",
        "x": 26032436019.564,
        "y": -2848725274.3562,
        "z": 250866523571.45

Corporation Contacts

Type Detail
Endpoint /api/v1/corporation/contacts/{corporation_id}
Description Get a corporations contacts list.
Parameters corporation_id - The corporationID for the query

Sample Request:

http get http://localhost:8000/api/v1/corporation/contacts/123456 Accept:application/json X-Token:123456

Sample Response:

        "contactID": 123456,
        "contactName": "Bob",
        "contactTypeID": 2,
        "corporationID": 123456,
        "created_at": "2015-11-24 16:31:56",
        "labelMask": 0,
        "standing": -5,
        "updated_at": "2015-11-24 16:31:56"

Corporation Contracts

Type Detail
Endpoint /api/v1/corporation/contracts/{corporation_id}
Description Get a corporations contracts list.
Parameters corporation_id - The corporationID for the query

Sample Request:

http get http://localhost:8000/api/v1/corporation/contracts/123456 Accept:application/json X-Token:123456

Sample Response:

        "acceptorID": 123456,
        "assigneeID": 123456,
        "availability": "Private",
        "buyout": "0.00",
        "collateral": "0.00",
        "contractID": 98168646,
        "corporationID": 123456,
        "created_at": "2015-11-21 14:19:05",
        "dateAccepted": "2015-10-28 22:57:33",
        "dateCompleted": "2015-10-28 22:57:33",
        "dateExpired": "2015-11-05 12:19:58",
        "dateIssued": "2015-10-22 12:19:58",
        "endStationID": 61000393,
        "endlocation": "UMI-KK VII - 2Dont relist in my Fing station",
        "forCorp": 0,
        "issuerCorpID": 123456,
        "issuerID": 123456,
        "numDays": 0,
        "price": "315000000.00",
        "reward": "0.00",
        "startStationID": 61000393,
        "startlocation": "UMI-KK VII - 2Dont relist in my Fing station",
        "status": "Completed",
        "title": "heavy missile cerb",
        "type": "ItemExchange",
        "updated_at": "2015-11-21 14:19:05",
        "volume": 92000

Corporation Customs Offices

Type Detail
Endpoint /api/v1/corporation/pocos/{corporation_id}
Description Get a corporations customs offices.
Parameters corporation_id - The corporationID for the query

Sample Request:

http get http://localhost:8000/api/v1/corporation/pocos/123456 Accept:application/json X-Token:123456

Sample Response:

        "allowAlliance": 0,
        "allowStandings": 0,
        "corporationID": 123456,
        "created_at": "2015-12-28 06:55:25",
        "id": 15,
        "itemID": 123456,
        "planetName": "Customs Office (ABC IV)",
        "planetTypeID": 2017,
        "planetTypeName": "Planet (Storm)",
        "reinforceHour": 0,
        "solarSystemID": 123456,
        "solarSystemName": "ABC",
        "standingLevel": -10,
        "taxRateAlliance": 0.04,
        "taxRateCorp": 0,
        "taxRateStandingBad": 0.5,
        "taxRateStandingGood": 0.06,
        "taxRateStandingHigh": 0.05,
        "taxRateStandingHorrible": 1,
        "taxRateStandingNeutral": 0.1,
        "updated_at": "2015-12-28 06:55:25"

Corporation Industry

Type Detail
Endpoint /api/v1/corporation/industry/{corporation_id}
Description Get a corporations industry jobs.
Parameters corporation_id - The corporationID for the query

Sample Request:

http get http://localhost:8000/api/v1/corporation/industry/123456 Accept:application/json X-Token:123456

Sample Response:

        "activityID": 8,
        "activityName": "Invention",
        "blueprintID": 1019085176157,
        "blueprintLocationID": 2147483647,
        "blueprintTypeID": 31056,
        "blueprintTypeName": "Medium Trimark Armor Pump I Blueprint",
        "completedCharacterID": 0,
        "completedDate": "0001-01-01 00:00:00",
        "corporationID": 98149539,
        "cost": 28719,
        "created_at": "2015-11-22 11:20:29",
        "description": "The process of creating a more advanced item based on an existing item",
        "endDate": "2015-11-21 05:23:02",
        "facilityID": 2147483647,
        "facilityName": null,
        "iconNo": "33_02",
        "installerID": 123456,
        "installerName": "Bob",
        "jobID": 280518524,
        "licensedRuns": 60,
        "outputLocationID": 2147483647,
        "pauseDate": "0001-01-01 00:00:00",
        "probability": 1,
        "productTypeID": 31060,
        "productTypeName": "Medium Trimark Armor Pump II Blueprint",
        "published": 1,
        "runs": 3,
        "solarSystemID": 30002691,
        "solarSystemName": "Crielere",
        "startDate": "2015-11-20 23:51:32",
        "stationID": 2147483647,
        "status": 1,
        "successfulRuns": 0,
        "teamID": 0,
        "timeInSeconds": 19890,
        "updated_at": "2015-11-23 19:15:33"

Corporation Killmails

Type Detail
Endpoint /api/v1/corporation/killmails/{corporation_id}
Description Get a corporations killmails.
Parameters corporation_id - The corporationID for the query

Sample Request:

http get http://localhost:8000/api/v1/corporation/killmails/123456 Accept:application/json X-Token:123456

Sample Response:

        "allianceID": 123456,
        "allianceName": "Bob Alliance",
        "basePrice": null,
        "capacity": 430,
        "celestialIndex": null,
        "characterID": 123456,
        "characterName": "Bob",
        "constellationID": 20000124,
        "corporationID": 123456,
        "corporationName": "Bob Corp",
        "created_at": "2015-11-27 13:54:58",
        "damageTaken": 3956,
        "description": "Released in YC 117 as the result of the first Republic Fleet joint research project to include engineers from all seven Minmatar tribes, the Svipul is a powerful symbol of inter-tribal unity for many Republic citizens.\r\n\r\nAlthough the contributions of engineers from the Nefantar and Starkmanir tribes were fairly minor, a large delegation from the Vo-Lakat Thukker caravan and donations from Republic loyalist capsuleers across the cluster were invaluable to the development of this incredibly adaptable warship.",
        "factionID": 0,
        "factionName": "",
        "groupID": 5,
        "iconID": null,
        "itemID": 30000848,
        "itemName": "M-OEE8",
        "killID": 123456,
        "killTime": "2015-11-25 11:13:53",
        "marketGroupID": 1953,
        "mass": 1500000,
        "moonID": 0,
        "orbitID": null,
        "orbitIndex": null,
        "ownerID": 123456,
        "portionSize": 1,
        "published": 1,
        "raceID": 2,
        "radius": 4145289179056,
        "regionID": 10000010,
        "security": -0.218329,
        "shipTypeID": 34562,
        "solarSystemID": null,
        "soundID": 20074,
        "typeID": 5,
        "typeName": "Svipul",
        "updated_at": "2015-11-27 13:54:58",
        "victimID": 123456,
        "volume": 47000,
        "x": -1.4759869943375e+17,
        "y": 7.9788702592936e+16,
        "z": 2.0063317959704e+17

Corporation Market Orders

Type Detail
Endpoint /api/v1/corporation/market-orders/{corporation_id}
Description Get a corporations market orders.
Parameters corporation_id - The corporationID for the query

Sample Request:

http get http://localhost:8000/api/v1/corporation/market-orders/123456 Accept:application/json X-Token:123456

Sample Response:


Corporation Member Security

Type Detail
Endpoint /api/v1/corporation/member-security/{corporation_id}
Description Get a corporations member security roles.
Parameters corporation_id - The corporationID for the query

Sample Request:

http get http://localhost:8000/api/v1/corporation/member-security/123456 Accept:application/json X-Token:123456

Sample Response:

        "characterID": 123456,
        "characterName": "Bob",
        "corporationID": 123456,
        "created_at": "2015-11-27 14:01:18",
        "roleID": 1,
        "roleName": "roleDirector",
        "roleType": "grantableRolesAtOther",
        "updated_at": "2015-11-27 14:01:18"

Corporation Member Security Logs

Type Detail
Endpoint /api/v1/corporation/member-security-logs/{corporation_id}
Description Get a corporations member security roles change log.
Parameters corporation_id - The corporationID for the query

Sample Request:

http get http://localhost:8000/api/v1/corporation/member-security-logs/123456 Accept:application/json X-Token:123456

Sample Response:

        "changeTime": "2015-10-25 13:19:00",
        "characterID": 123456,
        "characterName": "Bob",
        "corporationID": 123456,
        "created_at": "2015-11-21 14:19:43",
        "hash": "cce3b9e3e0da5756939cf06d5ab923bd",
        "issuerID": 123456,
        "issuerName": "Bob",
        "newRoles": "[{\"8192\":\"roleHangarCanTake1\"},{\"1048576\":\"roleHangarCanQuery1\"},{\"4398046511104\":\"roleContainerCanTake1\"}]",
        "oldRoles": "[]",
        "roleLocationType": "rolesAtBase",
        "updated_at": "2015-11-21 14:19:43"

Corporation Member Security Titles

Type Detail
Endpoint /api/v1/corporation/member-security-titles/{corporation_id}
Description Get a corporations member security titles assignments.
Parameters corporation_id - The corporationID for the query

Sample Request:

http get http://localhost:8000/api/v1/corporation/member-security-titles/123456 Accept:application/json X-Token:123456

Sample Response:

        "characterID": 123456,
        "characterName": "Bob",
        "corporationID": 123456,
        "created_at": "2015-11-27 14:01:18",
        "titleID": 16384,
        "titleName": "Member",
        "updated_at": "2015-11-27 14:01:18"

Corporation Member Tracking

Type Detail
Endpoint /api/v1/corporation/member-tracking/{corporation_id}
Description Get a corporations member tracking data.
Parameters corporation_id - The corporationID for the query

Sample Request:

http get http://localhost:8000/api/v1/corporation/member-tracking/123456 Accept:application/json X-Token:123456

Sample Response:

        "base": "",
        "baseID": 0,
        "characterID": 123456,
        "corporationID": 123456,
        "created_at": "2015-11-21 14:19:41",
        "enabled": 1,
        "grantableRoles": "0",
        "id": 16,
        "location": "M-OEE8 XI - VOTE THE JUDGE FOR C S M XI",
        "locationID": 61000249,
        "logoffDateTime": "2015-08-09 07:16:05",
        "logonDateTime": "2015-08-09 06:56:16",
        "name": "123456",
        "roles": "1044837312573210624",
        "shipType": "Unknown Type",
        "shipTypeID": -1,
        "startDateTime": "2015-01-23 19:58:00",
        "title": "",
        "updated_at": "2015-11-21 14:19:41"

Corporation Sheet

Type Detail
Endpoint /api/v1/corporation/sheet/{corporation_id}
Description Get a corporations sheet.
Parameters corporation_id - The corporationID for the query

Sample Request:

http get http://localhost:8000/api/v1/corporation/sheet/123456 Accept:application/json X-Token:123456

Sample Response:

    "allianceID": 123456,
    "allianceName": "Bob Alliance",
    "ceoID": 91279102,
    "ceoName": "Bob",
    "color1": 674,
    "color2": 674,
    "color3": 680,
    "corporationID": 123456,
    "corporationName": "Bob Corp",
    "created_at": "2015-11-21 14:19:14",
    "description": "",
    "factionID": 0,
    "graphicID": 0,
    "memberCount": 71,
    "memberLimit": 2300,
    "shape1": 568,
    "shape2": 576,
    "shape3": 513,
    "shares": 1000,
    "stationID": 60003754,
    "stationName": "Perimeter II - Moon 1 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant",
    "taxRate": "0.00",
    "ticker": "BOB.",
    "updated_at": "2015-11-27 13:54:51",
    "url": ""

Corporation Standings

Type Detail
Endpoint /api/v1/corporation/standings/{corporation_id}
Description Get a corporations standings.
Parameters corporation_id - The corporationID for the query

Sample Request:

http get http://localhost:8000/api/v1/corporation/standings/123456 Accept:application/json X-Token:123456

Sample Response:

        "corporationID": 123456,
        "created_at": "2015-11-25 14:27:33",
        "fromID": 3018426,
        "fromName": "Poreg Murchor",
        "id": 3455,
        "standing": 2.15,
        "type": "agents",
        "updated_at": "2015-11-25 14:27:33"

Corporation Starbases

Type Detail
Endpoint /api/v1/corporation/starbases/{corporation_id}/{starbase_id?}
Description Get a corporations starbases. If a starbaseID is set, mode details such as silo levels is also returned.
Parameters corporation_id - The corporationID for the query
starbase_id - An optional starbaseID to get details for

Sample Request:

http get http://localhost:8000/api/v1/corporation/starbases/123456 Accept:application/json X-Token:123456

Sample Response:

        "allowAllianceMembers": 1,
        "allowCorporationMembers": 1,
        "baseFuelUsage": 40,
        "baseStrontUsage": 400,
        "fuelBaySize": 140000,
        "fuelBlocks": 4370,
        "inSovSystem": 1,
        "itemID": 123456,
        "mapName": "ABC",
        "mapSecurity": -0.640046,
        "moonID": 123456,
        "moonName": "ABC",
        "onAggression": 0,
        "onCorporationWar": 1,
        "onlineTimeStamp": "2015-12-20 21:47:33",
        "siloCapacityBonus": null,
        "solarSystemName": "ABC",
        "starbaseCharter": 0,
        "starbaseName": "Caldari Control Tower",
        "starbaseTypeID": 16213,
        "starbaseTypeName": "Caldari Control Tower",
        "state": 4,
        "stateTimeStamp": "2015-12-24 10:47:37",
        "strontBaySize": 50000,
        "strontium": 0,
        "updated_at": "2015-12-24 10:50:54",
        "useStandingsFrom": 12345

Corporation Wallet Divisions

Type Detail
Endpoint /api/v1/corporation/wallet-divisions/{corporation_id}
Description Get a corporations wallet divisions.
Parameters corporation_id - The corporationID for the query

Sample Request:

http get http://localhost:8000/api/v1/corporation/wallet-divisions/123456 Accept:application/json X-Token:123456

Sample Response:

        "accountKey": 10000,
        "corporationID": 87812345623749,
        "created_at": "2015-11-21 14:19:14",
        "description": "Mercenary Wallet Division",
        "id": 8,
        "updated_at": "2015-11-21 14:19:14"

Corporation Wallet Journal

Type Detail
Endpoint /api/v1/corporation/wallet-journal/{corporation_id}
Description Get a corporations wallet journal. Returns the last 1000 entries.
Parameters corporation_id - The corporationID for the query

Sample Request:

http get http://localhost:8000/api/v1/corporation/wallet-journal/123456 Accept:application/json X-Token:123456

Sample Response:

        "accountKey": 1000,
        "amount": "1363368.75",
        "argID1": 123456,
        "argName1": "X-CFN6",
        "balance": "1.40",
        "corporationID": 123456,
        "created_at": "2015-11-27 12:22:24",
        "date": "2015-11-17 19:28:54",
        "hash": "5cc3cf718cb50be07bd7909ad13ed62e",
        "owner1TypeID": 2,
        "owner2TypeID": 1375,
        "ownerID1": 123456,
        "ownerID2": 123456,
        "ownerName1": "Bob",
        "ownerName2": "Bob",
        "reason": "24001:2,24014:1,24015:1,24016:1,24017:1,24018:1,24095:1,24149:5,24150:6,",
        "refID": 11902387979,
        "refTypeID": 85,
        "refTypeName": "Bounty Prizes",
        "updated_at": "2015-11-27 12:22:24"

Corporation Wallet Transactions

Type Detail
Endpoint /api/v1/corporation/wallet-transactions/{corporation_id}
Description Get a corporations wallet transactions. Returns the last 1000 entries.
Parameters corporation_id - The corporationID for the query

Sample Request:

http get http://localhost:8000/api/v1/corporation/wallet-transactions/123456 Accept:application/json X-Token:123456

Sample Response:

        "accountKey": 1006,
        "characterID": 123456,
        "characterName": "Bob",
        "clientID": 123456,
        "clientName": "Core Industry CRY",
        "clientTypeID": 1376,
        "corporationID": 123456,
        "created_at": "2015-11-21 14:20:13",
        "hash": "cb72c321ce34cf8a2f232849caac9a29",
        "journalTransactionID": 11799102551,
        "price": "23250000.00",
        "quantity": 1,
        "stationID": 60014890,
        "stationName": "D7-ZAC VIII - Moon 1 - D7-ZAC CO2 Stronghold",
        "transactionDateTime": "2015-10-22 10:00:25",
        "transactionFor": "corporation",
        "transactionID": 4103106946,
        "transactionType": "buy",
        "typeID": 31628,
        "typeName": "Medium Warhead Calefaction Catalyst II",
        "updated_at": "2015-11-21 14:20:13"